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    Are you registered for our next networking night ?

    We meet every 6 months to help you promote your business.

    Introducing SILVER RENTER


    As the PAY ME SILVER network of vendors grows, there will come a time when I discuss, with each, their willingness to hold, and sell from, a small stock of silver (<10oz or $500) held on indent, rented.


    That's right...rented as an operating lease, not a finance lease. Ownership of the silver never transfers*. THE SILVER IS, AT ALL TIMES, THE PROPERTY OF COINSHOP, UNTIL A SALE OCCURS. At the time of sale a commission is calculated and paid by transfer in AUD or Silver as agreed at the time.


    Rental payments are payments for 'access to' the stock. Insurance is covered by the vendor.


    At like 5% per week, per ounce, silver rental creates an affordable, accessible pool of sellable silver, allowing the vendor to immediately satisfy the needs of a silver buying community...no matter what their business.


    Here are the benefits....


    - No large cash outlay to fund stock holding

    - Another cashflow channel for your business

    - Immediate supply to the coin/bar buyer, at the point of sale

    - Immediate access to up to 10 ounces for your own purchases at special rates

    - Full logistics backup by COINSHOP for your silver sales, creating an unlimited supply service, that ships direct to your client at published rates.

    - *Option for transfer of ownership, with payment of balance, after 12 weeks rental.

    e.g. rent 10 ounces ($600) at $30/wk, is an outlay over 12 weeks of $360. Pay a residual figure (quoted at the 12 week mark) and take ownership.


    The bottom line...


    This puts a virtual 'glass cabinet' of silver, inside your business, with minimal outlay and maximum upside.


    Little risk, high reward.


    Please connect, PRIVATELY, with your expression of interest at your next opportunity.


    Oh...did I mention ?


    ...the silver you'll be offering is coming direct from the manufacturer.




    Come and grab a free membership or join as an affiliate and get paid for referrals.